The Adotas Internet Advertising Spotlight Section focuses on the leading people and companies of the Internet advertising marketplace. Internet advertising spotlight is an in-depth interview to get behind the blah blah and learn what really makes people and companies tick. Adotas is proud to provide monthly spotlight coverage of Internet advertising people and companies so you can remain informed and competitive.
Consumers are Tapping into Smartphones, Why Aren’t Marketers?

Mobile usage has become an integral part of the path-to-purchase. Consumers are tapping into their smartphones at home, in store aisles, and on-the-go to read news, research products, compare prices, engage with brands and receive special offers and coupons. But, marketers have to remember mobile is personal and is intended to ... more...
Yahoo’s Next Move: How the Acquisition of Flurry Amps up Mobile Ad Play

Just on the heels of Yahoo’s lackluster Q2 earnings call last week, Re/code broke the news that Yahoo will be acquiring mobile analytics and ad marketplace company Flurry for as much as $1 billion although actual financial details have not been disclosed. This purchase coincides with Marissa Mayer’s vision to ... more...
Why Facebook Purchased LiveRail for over $400 Million

Lest we forget, Facebook is an ad company first and foremost that earns a majority of its revenue through monetizing the content that people share with friends across its massive social network. (How else would it make money? Through Facebook Gifts? No.) So as a news and personal lifestyle aggregator ... more...
For Publishers, Building Trust with Organic Traffic is Critical

ADOTAS – For advertisers and publishers, trust is something that’s not easily built, but very easily shattered. With so many businesses now reliant on online technologies, security and integrity are of critical importance and with increasing organic traffic is more crucial now than ever before. Keep Your Water Clean According to by ... more...
Empowering the Video Revolution: Moving Away from Simple Text-Based Publishers

ADOTAS – In the world of online advertising, content is king because without content, there’s nothing to monetize. Major online publications like Mashable and Business Insider are embracing online video in an effort to go move away from being a simple text-based publishers to something far more ambitious. Advertisers are working ... more...
What’s Next for Private Exchanges?

ADOTAS – Over the past couple of years, we have seen an eruption of discussion surrounding private exchanges. Many big publishers are now moving to the programmatic model via the private exchange path. For example, earlier this year, Google and Time Inc. introduced the Time Inc. Global Exchange, an ad ... more...
Today’s Burning Question: Reaction to Twitter’s Native Ad Move

ADOTAS — Today, we asked our panel of ad industry experts the following Burning Question: “What are your thoughts on Twitter’s $50 million acquisition of Namo Media?” Here’s how they responded: “If we’re learning anything at all in the digital ad world here in mid-2014 it’s that Native advertising is an approach that ... more...
Surviving the AdPocalypse: What Will You Do When the Current Model Stops Working?

ADOTAS – There is a fundamental flaw in advertising. Advertising is essentially arbitrage, leveraging a disconnect between the value of your audience’s attention and the cost to reach it. All arbitrage is inherently short lived. Eventually the marketplace will catch up and realign those values. Eventually the marketplace will close ... more...
Are Wearables the Next Ad Frontier?

ADOTAS — If the key to advertising is all about understanding the pulse of customers, the rapid evolution of the wearable mobile market is surely to raise the bar. Walking through this year’s CES and Mobile World Congress events, wearable computing was front-and-center, and if your initial reactions were like ... more...
#IWNY: Follow the Live Twitter Feed

ADOTAS – Internet Week will bring the Internet to life across New York City during Internet Week New York 2014 from May 19-25. The weeklong festival is expected to draw more than 45,000 people to over 250 events taking place both citywide and at the Internet Week New York HQ, ... more...